How to Invest in Cryptocurrency: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Invest in Cryptocurrency: A Beginner’s Guide

Best Crypto Trading Platforms

2. Huobi Global

3. OKX

4. Bitget

Many investors are interested in entering the cryptocurrency market due to the increased interest, adoption, and investment in this field. This introduction to investing in cryptocurrencies will describe it as an asset class and walk you through the fundamentals. Learn about the different types of cryptocurrencies, things to think about before investing, and other information to help you decide if they belong in your portfolio. You'll also find a step-by-step guide to getting started if you decide you're ready to start investing in cryptocurrencies.

What is cryptocurrency?

A source of purchasing power, cryptocurrency is a type of digital money. It can be purchased with the intention of making money, much like other investment assets, and is also a potential investment option. Despite this, cryptocurrencies are among the most erratic (their prices can swing widely) asset types. The best approach to benefit from this revolutionary technology and its expanding applications is by making long-term investments in cryptocurrencies rather than engaging in speculative trading. Though the future is impossible to foresee, it appears that crypto and the underlying technology will become more commonplace. According to Douglas Feldman, chief investment officer of Stash, "the road to this eventual state when crypto usage is part of our regular lives will continue to be quite rough.

Best Crypto Trading Platforms

2. Huobi Global

3. OKX

4. Bitget

Cryptocurrencies, in contrast to traditional forms of money, are decentralised, which means a centralised organisation like the US government does not issue, back, or regulate them. According to Feldman, "this decentralisation idea is an important feature of its design." Cryptocurrency units, also referred to as coins or tokens, are created digitally through a validation process that depends on blockchain. Blockchain is a potent technology that can be utilised in a wide range of procedures, not just for crypto. Blockchain, often referred to as distributed ledger technology, creates a safe, encrypted record of the value of each virtual coin and the transactions connected to it. In principle, anyone with an internet connection might view the blockchain because those records are dispersed and connected across the network of parties, or computers, accessing it.

many cryptocurrency types

According to, there were over 25,000 different types of virtual currencies employing blockchain technology as of June 2023, despite the fact that the term "cryptocurrency" itself is a catch-all. One of the first cryptocurrencies made was Bitcoin, which is still the most well-known. All other coin-based cryptocurrencies are collectively referred to as "altcoin," or an alternative to bitcoin.

In recent years, a number of cryptocurrencies have grown prominent profiles, significant market capitalizations, and sizable user and investor bases.

Given the youth of many cryptocurrencies and the newness of the crypto ecosystem, it is difficult to predict which coins will be the most successful. These coins are among the biggest, yet there is still a risk. Losses on investments are a real and significant possibility. For instance, most cryptocurrencies had a sharp decline in value in 2022 after experiencing significant gains in 2021. Because of this, it is crucially vital to research each cryptocurrency before making an investment and decide whether it makes sense for you.

Best Crypto Trading Platforms

2. Huobi Global

3. OKX

4. Bitget

What to think about before buying cryptocurrenciesIf you're risk averse, cryptocurrency's potential for huge value swings over brief periods of time may cause you to pause. Remember that anybody can start a cryptocurrency, and its regulation is in flux, so it's crucial to carefully research any potential investments to prevent fraud.  
Consider your motivations for wanting to invest in cryptocurrencies. Do you have a well-thought-out plan in mind, or are you just trying to capitalise on a trend? "Never invest in anything with the mindset that you can't lose," advises Feldman. There is no simple way to make a lot of money without taking any risks. Only if you have faith in cryptocurrencies should you invest in them.While cryptocurrencies "might be a powerful long-term investment opportunity, it may be wise to use caution and be clear about your intentions and expectations before diving in," Feldman advises investors to keep in mind. It's crucially important to have a long-term perspective when investing. This is especially true for things like cryptocurrency that can change value quickly. It's simple to make emotional errors when investing in highly volatile assets, such as buying when the price is increasing out of a fear of missing out or selling out when the price is falling. These are typically poor investment tactics.Is buying cryptocurrencies a wise decision?Numerous factors determine whether investing in cryptocurrency will be profitable for you. The answer depends on a number of factors, including your time horizon, your risk tolerance (both financially and psychologically), and how diversified your portfolio is. Because cryptocurrencies are so volatile, the value of your coins may fluctuate sharply and quickly. The mere fact that an asset is tradeable does not guarantee that it is the best investment for your circumstances. And as was already mentioned, there is always a chance that you could lose money when investing. Best Crypto Trading Platforms

2. Huobi Global

3. OKX

4. Bitget

How much money should be put into cryptocurrencies?Some experts advise investing 1% to 5% of your net worth or less. Feldman advises that "limiting your overall exposure to crypto is crucial and it's important to never invest more than you could afford to lose" when deciding how much of your portfolio to invest in cryptocurrencies. Although a little amount of exposure to cryptocurrencies may help a diversified portfolio's risk-adjusted return profile, how much money you should invest overall in cryptocurrencies should be determined by your whole investment portfolio and risk tolerance.In light of this, another factor to think about is diversification within the cryptosphere. "The specific crypto assets you're holding matter a lot," says Feldman. "For instance, some coins may be more resistant to price manipulation and have more promising long-term use cases. Although the entire cryptocurrency market is notoriously unstable, there may be less risk in the bigger, more liquid cryptos than in the smaller, more speculative ones. Even the biggest, most well-known cryptos, however, experience significant price fluctuations. In addition to the overall amount of cryptocurrency in your portfolio, you should take into account the variety of cryptocurrencies you own.To reduce the risks particular to cryptocurrencies, we at Stash advise holding no more than 2% of your whole portfolio in any one cryptocurrency. advantages of cryptocurrency investmentPrior to 2022, there was little correlation between the price of cryptocurrencies and other investment classes, including as equities and bonds, thus a little amount of exposure to this area might boost risk-adjusted returns. Although there were significant links between cryptocurrencies and other asset classes in 2022, it's not clear if this represents a new pattern.Some analysts draw parallels between some cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, and gold since both are rare owing to their limited quantity, fungible due to their difficulty in being destroyed, and their purchasing value is independent of any centralised authority.  The distributed ledger's decentralisation and transparency make it challenging to tamper with the network integrity that underpins cryptocurrency.  Cons of cryptocurrency investmentThe cryptocurrency market is quite erratic; it can be challenging to forecast when prices will grow or fall, and it's not always evident what causes significant changes in value. Despite the fact that crypto blockchains are exceedingly hard to hack, people might still fall victim to hacking owing to the same hazards involved with any online activity.Transactions are not legally protected because cryptocurrencies are currently not subject to significant government regulation.
Best Crypto Trading Platforms

2. Huobi Global

3. OKX

4. Bitget